Sunday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00
Sunday to Thursday from 15:00 to 18:00
Company data:
IBERTRONICS - INEC Mayorista del Norte, S.L. * Ctra. Asua-Erletxe, 8 - 48950 ASUA-ERANDIO (Vizcaya) * Spain
VAT NO.: ES B95093696 * Bilbao Mercantile Registry Volume 3908 Folio 48 Sheet BI-2923 1st Inscription * RII-AEE No.: 7898
Phone: +34 944 477 207 * email: info@ibertronics.com
Bank Direct Debit:
CAIXABANK - IBAN: ES3721003811200200018515 - BIC: CAIXESBBXXX
KUTXABANK - IBAN: ES2420950551609114888857 - BIC: BASKES2BXXX
Who can apply to become a Ibertronics customer?
Companies and / or professionals directly related to the telecommunications sector, electrical sector, computer science or electronics can request to be registered as a client and that they are not final customers.